On the evening of Wednesday 31 January, you, as an SME, are welcome to attend the cyber event ‘Digitally Secure Business for SMEs’ in Oegstgeest. This evening promises an informative and fascinating programme with stories from various experts, a victim and chairman of the day Kees van der Spek! After this evening, you will be able to properly protect your company against the increasing threat of cybercrime.
As many as one in five entrepreneurs become victims of cybercrime. It is important to be aware of this threat. Therefore, on 31 January 2024, this free cyber event will be organised for SMEs in Oegstgeest by the Platform Veilig Ondernemen (PVO) Den Haag, the Platform Voor Ondernemers Oegstgeest (PVOO) and the municipality of Oegstgeest . The aim is to make SMEs aware of the dangers of cybercrime and provide them with practical knowledge and tips to prevent victimisation.