Network Facility Managers launched

The Entrepreneurs’ Association OVBSP promotes cooperation and connection among members. In this context, the OVBSP has asked Martien Hoogewoning to start a Facilities Management Network.

The first step consisted of the establishment of the Whatsapp Neighbourhood Prevention group on 24 November 2022. Followed by the next step in terms of facilities cooperation at the LBSP, which was to choose a common focus. To this end, facilities managers met on 7 February 2023.

From an earlier inventory of wishes and opportunities, a number of jointly perceived bottlenecks and ambitions emerged. Namely:

  • Reducing logistics movements on the park
  • Bio science park emergency drill (with cooperation of emergency services)
  • Joint action on company emergency services
  • Procurement of various services (Framework agreements)
  • Door-to-door passenger transport

All topics, where several companies see benefit in working together.

In 2023, the focus is on further developing the themes of Logistics, Security and Passenger Transport.

Logistics is becoming a bottleneck due to, on the one hand, growth of activity at existing companies and institutions but also densification (more greenery, centreline and less roadway) of the site and the construction of new businesses

Safety is a theme that is developed together with the Safety Region. In particular, this involves calamity drills organised together with the fire brigade and other emergency services. But before can take place, an update of the safety map is very important.

Passenger traffic is only increasing in volume with growth and construction activities. With this, parking pressure and traffic congestion at the Bio Science Park is also growing.

If you would like to know more about the Facility Network, or participate in it, please send an email to Martien Hogewoning.

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