Targeted support for energy-intensive SMEs with TEK scheme

The TEK is based on an entrepreneur’s energy consumption and turnover. The compensation then consists of a share of the cost increase this year and in 2023. Energy-intensive SMEs will then receive support equal to a percentage to be determined of the increase in the energy price (gas and electricity) multiplied by their energy consumption up to a fixed maximum per company (subsidy ceiling). Smaller offices and self-employed people can use the temporary price cap, the so-called small consumers scheme, just like households.

Besides households, businesses from small to large have also been hit hard by sharply rising energy costs. The government has completed its inventory of options for targeted support for SMEs, which cannot escape high consumption. For these so-called energy-intensive SMEs, the Tegemoetkoming Energiekosten-regeling (TEK) will be introduced. Minister Micky Adriaansens (Economic Affairs and Climate) informed the House of Representatives today about the setting up of the TEK.

“Entrepreneurs, like consumers, are often willing to take steps to save and become more sustainable, but sometimes, due to the nature of their production process or type of service, they simply cannot escape high, or intensive, energy consumption while having, at their core, a healthy business. Moreover, it is no longer possible for every SME to raise its prices enough to cover the extra energy costs as well as maintain sufficient sales. That is why the government is now coming up with additional support through the TEK.”

Minister Micky Adriaansens (EZK)

Conditions and outline TEK clear in short term

The government expects to announce the terms of the TEK in terms of target group, total budget, percentages and maximum aid per company in the near future. Such a scheme must comply with European state aid rules and be approved by the European Commission. As a result, actual opening through the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) may take until early 2023.

That is not enough for energy-intensive SMEs that are already in acute trouble and still have the winter of 2022/2023 to go. Therefore, the commitment is to have other measures ready as early as November to (temporarily) reduce operating costs for entrepreneurs. The government will work out the options for this as soon as possible.

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